Prayer Support
Financial Support
We want to be clear to those of you who are considering giving that Matthew receives a salary as a pastor of Hosanna Fellowship. Some of you have inquired about giving to supplement the salary we receive at Hosanna for Incense Arise ministry projects and family needs. We are now able to take those donations through Hosanna Fellowship and they will be processed as an addition to Matthew's salary.
If you choose to give this way you can write a check and designate it to the Wines.
You can send it through the mail or drop it in an offering box at Hosanna's building.
Hosanna Fellowship
715 Sunset Drive
Johnson City, TN 37604
You can also give online by clicking the button below. It will take you to Hosanna's giving site where you will see a drop down box to designate the funds.
Choose "Incense Arise-Wine Prayer Initiative"